On May 24, 2024, Sekyere East Zone held four different seminars on isha’at (publication), rishnata (marriage), sinat-o-tijarat (trade and commerce) and mal (finance).

The program began with a short prayer by Mr Rafiq Opoku at about 1:35 pm after Jummah Salat. The Sekyere East Zonal Qaid then led the recitation of the Khuddam pledge.

Respected persons of Mr. Abubakar Adomako, Mr. Ibrahim Adam and Mr. Rasheed Anane led these programs. Snippets of what was discussed is as follows;

  1. Marriage

According to the hadith, marriage is the sunna of the Holy Prophet(saw), hence anyone who follows him must practice that sunna. Without marriage, procreation will be on the decline. Allah blessed marriage to enable procreation. It is for this reason that Allah created women after creating Adam.

  1. Isha’at

If the time comes and we are being called upon, please respond and report with zeal. Every time spent in the course of Allah is never a wasted time. Also let's take note of what we are told and put them into practice.

  1. Trade and Commerce

An appeal was made to jama’at members to make known any job opportunity that avails itself for the benefit of all members.

  1. Finance

The need to pay our dues and our chanda accurately and on time was stressed. We should be concerned with the consistency in payment, irrespective of the amount.

A total of 30 jama’at members including 26 khuddam and 4 Atfal participated in the program.

Story by: lshmael Owusu Ntimaoah, Mu'tamad ILaqa-Ashanti

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