The envious Exhibition, on the AMSAG-UCC week celebration, was focused on the literature contributions of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, serving as a way of stimulating religious discussions. This two-day-long event was one of the high points of that week, which attracted enthusiastic participation from members and guests present.

The exhibition was also graced by the presence of the Review of Religions Ghana delegates, led by Maulvi Tahir Essel. In attendance were the Zonal Missionary, Maulvi Abdulhameed Sawiri; the Circuit Missionary, Muallim Ahmad Boaheng; MKA Central-West Regional Qaid, Mr. Jamil Rahman Nyame; and his Naib Regional Qaid, Mr. Abdul Hameed Mohammed Essuman. Their presence added prestige and depth to the event.

The first day of the Exhibition got underway amidst much fanfare with all participants attired in AMSAG Lacoste, symbolic of the unity and spirit for which the association stands. From 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM, it was time for the opening address citing the relevance of the literature and how religious dialogues bring in good understanding and growth in the community.

The participants had on display a wide range of Jama'at literature on various subjects spanning several eras. The exhibition stands were well laid out, and the visitors were able to acquaint themselves with the writings and teachings of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Throughout the stimulating religious discussions during the day, participants had an opportunity for insight-sharing questions and useful discussions.

Day two of the Exhibition got underway with participants attired in Jalabia and Abaya, making the whole event even more traditional and respectful. Again, as the day drew to a close, it was more about the rich literary heritage stemming from the Jama'at, but with an added emphasis on what modern interpretation and uses are available from those teachings.

It came along with great insight and wisdom. The attendees were all the respected missionaries and leaders: Maulvi Abdulhameed Sawiri and others, sharing knowledge and experience while interacting with participants. This interaction, in particular, is most rewarding since it provides more insight into the literature under discussion and helps place the literature into perspective with modern-day issues.

With all this, the Exhibition over the two continuous days created an environment of community and intellectual inquiry. Participants left with an increased appreciation for the literary treasures of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and a renewed commitment to religious dialogue and understanding.

After all, the overall success of the Exhibition was a proof of what material AMSAG-UCC was made of questing knowledge, unity, and spiritual development. It also brought out the rich literature of the Jama'at and the remarkable need to keep learning and involve oneself in such activities even within the society.

Story by: Salim Ahmad Boateng, AMMSAG President

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