(Quran 5:32, Because of that, we decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely….)

Again, our beloved master Rasoolullah Muhammad Mustapha (saw) is reported to have said that, if a hunter or anybody goes out hunting and sees an animal but has no intention of using it as food, then he strongly cautions that individual never to kill that animal for “fun”. This is the level of reverence that Islam gives to every single soul on the surface of the earth and even animals. So, if anybody or group of people have decided to misquote certain portions of the Quran for their acts of crime, then that is purely terrorism and has no place in Islam.

Clarifying the Meaning of Jihad

Jihad is from the root word Jahada which basically means To Strive. It appears not less than 41 in the Quran and in each of them, it relates in no way to “holy war”. As a matter of fact, there is no term like “holy war” in the Quran. The Arabic word for war or fighting is Qital. However, one of the biggest misconceptions of the 21st century is that Jihad means holy war.

Jihad is of two kinds
  • Jihad Akbar (Greater Jihad), The struggle against one’s own evil desires and tendencies, striving for personal spiritual and moral excellence.
  • Jihad Asgar (Lesser Jihad),– The struggle against the enemies of truth, which includes fighting in self-defense under strict guidelines that protect innocent lives and other creatures of God.
Jihad in the Qur’an

Several verses of the Qur’an define Jihad as a noble spiritual and moral endeavor:

  • (Quran 29:69: And those who strive for Us – We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good.)
  • (Quran 22:78: And strive for Allah with the striving due to Him. He has chosen you and has not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty. [It is] the religion of your father, Abraham. Allah named you “Muslims” before [in former scriptures] and in this [revelation] that the Messenger may be a witness over you and you may be witnesses over the people. So, establish prayer and give zakah and hold fast to Allah. He is your protector; and excellent is the protector, and excellent is the helper.)

Do these verses in any way suggest that Muslims should go about terrorizing people? Of course not, Terrorism has no place in Islam. Islam stands for peace, justice, and mercy.

Historical Context and the Prophet’s (saw) Example

The early battles in Islam were purely defensive. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and his followers endured years of persecution before being granted permission to defend themselves. Even in war, Islam imposed strict ethical guidelines: no harm to women, children, the elderly, places of worship, or even trees. The Prophet (saw) forgave his enemies when he conquered Mecca, demonstrating that Islam values reconciliation over vengeance.

Misuse of Jihad by Extremists

In the modern era, certain extremist groups have twisted the meaning of Jihad to justify their acts of violence. Their actions are in direct contradiction to Islamic teachings. Islam promotes justice, not oppression; peace, not bloodshed; and wisdom, not ignorance.

Islam’s Emphasis on Peace and Coexistence

The Qur’an repeatedly emphasizes peaceful coexistence with people of different faiths:

    (Quran 60:8: Allah does not forbid you from being kind and just toward those who have not fought you because of religion and have not expelled you from your homes. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.)

This verse makes it clear that Islam encourages peaceful relationships with those who do not engage in hostility.

A Call to Action

It is crucial that we educate ourselves and others about the true meaning of Jihad. Misconceptions about Islam must be dispelled through knowledge and dialogue. Islam is a religion of peace, and its teachings oppose all forms of terrorism.

May Allah help us all, and give us victory against world terrorism, Amen!!!

By: : Ahmed Jawaad Hammond

About author

Ahmed Jawaad Hammond

He is currently serving as the Muawim Sadr - Talim & Tarbiyyat of Majlis Khudam-ul- Ahmadiyyat visit Ahmadiyya Mission Mission. He's the General Secretary for Humanity First, Ghana.

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