In an effort to re-ignite the spirit, devotion and activeness of existing zonal office bearers and equip newly appointed ones, the Shooba Umumi under the direct auspices of Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya, Ghana has organized series of orientation workshop nationwide.

On Sunday, January 16, 2022, the Takoradi edition was organized at the Tanokrom Mosque in Takoradi. This exercise organized jointly for Zonal Aamila members in both Takoradi and Tarkwa zones was in three-fold, entailing the following;

  • Introduction of all zonal office bearers to the Consolidated Programme of Activities of the Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahamdiyya, Ghana for the 2021/2022 Majlis Year (which commenced in November 2021) and analyzing specific targets set for every shooba in the Majlis
  • Detailed explanation on Reporting format for every shooba concerned
  • Salaat Assessment Reporting (introduction to the new web-based App).

The main speaker for the event, who is the Muhtamim Umumi MKA-Ghana, Mr. Benyameen Entsir Keelson, in his introductory address stated that "...establishment of offices in the Majlis should be replicated in Dil'a and Muqami level to enable the smooth running of Majlis activities across all Jama'at, since these are the foundation of the Majlis". He also stated emphatically that it is incumbent upon every office bearer to take their roles cricritically, since such responsibility is trusted upon them by Allah(swt).

Mr. Mamutaz K. Arkoh, Naib Muhtamim Isha’at MKA-Ghana, the second speaker, highlighted on key points on the Reporting formats. He also seized the opportunity to entreat the Nazimeen Isha’at to be hyper-active on all activities happening within their various zones and ensure photos of events happening in their zones and accompanied with stories/articles are sent to national for publications on the Majlis website (, social media platforms or Jama’at Newspaper. This he said, was also to present to audience the good image of the Majlis and Ahmadiyya at large.

In the final session of orientation workshop, office bearers were taken through the Salaat Assessment Report app live. Those who were yet to enroll were encouraged to do so and adviced to report daily, since this was a direct instruction from Khalifatul Masih V(atba) to all Khuddam in Ghana.

The event was concluded with a Question & Answer session. Mr. Benyameen Entsir Keelson, in his closing remarks, encouraged all Qaideen to make all necessary effort to replicate the orientation workshop to all their office bearers at the Dil'a and Muqami level. The orientation came to successful closure at 3:30pm with a total number 33 existing and newly appointed office bearers in attendance.

Story by Sadeeq Y. Ahmed, Nazim Isha'at - Takoradi Zone

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