Cape Coast Zone held their zonal Ijtema’a at Edukrom on the 31st of May and 1st of June 2024. The programme kicked of with a football match between Edukrom Circuit Atfal and Cape Coast Circuit Atfal which Edukrom Circuit Atfal won. After Maghrib and Isha on the same day, we continued with academic competitions for both Afal and Khuddam. Day 1 came to a successful closure with two disciplines of the Khuddam academic competition the following morning after Fajr salat.

We began day 2 with tahajjud prayers followed by Dars delivered by Muallim Malik Ibrahim (Edukrom Circuit Missionary). A health talk on Mental Health was delivered immediately after Fajr prayers by Master Ibrahim Malik with 45 Atfal and 23 Khuddam present after which the remaining Khuddam academic competitions were held. The final football match between Edukrom Atfal and Cape Coast Atfal took place after breakfast at around 7:30 am when Edukrom Atfal emerged victorious. Khuddam football kick-started with Edukrom Khuddam and Cape Coast and Cape Coast Zonal Aamila on standby. Edukrom Khuddam won the match only to be beaten by Cape Coast Zonal Aamila on penalties with a scintillating and epic performance by the goalkeeper of Cape Coast Zonal Aamila (Hafiz Abdus-Salaam Osman) saving 3 of 5 penalty kicks eventually becoming the Goalkeeper and the best player of the competition.

The main and final session began after Zuhr and Asr prayers with a stirring recitation of the Holy Quran, echoing the timeless wisdom that has guided generations of Muslims, an opening prayer, a recitation of an Arabic poem after which the Central West Regional Qaid (Mr. Jamil Rahman Nyame) led the recitation of the Khuddam pledge

Cape Coast Zonal Qaid, Mr. Farouk Omar Osei welcomed all present and introduced the chair of the programme. Maulvi Abdul Hameed Sawiri, the keynote speaker, took the stage, his words resonating with the youth, emphasizing their crucial role as ambassadors of peace and democracy in the upcoming elections. In a world plagued by division and unrest, it is the responsibility of Muslim youth to be beacons of unity and understanding, he declared. He emphasized that through our actions and our unwavering commitment to the principles of Islam, we can be the catalysts for positive change, promoting peace, justice, and the democratic process.

The audience listened attentively, their minds and hearts captivated by the powerful message. Among them were esteemed guests, including Mr. Ibrahim Ahmed Baafi, Cape Coast Zonal President, Mr. Abdul Shakoor Abakah, Muhtamim Umumi, Mr. Abdul Hameed Essuman, Naib Qaid Illaqa, Central West Region, Mr. Arafat Ameen, Umumi, Central West Region, among other Zonal executives whose presence lent further significance to the occasion.

After songs of praise by Edukrom Circuit, the Guest of Honour addressed the audience. His message followed a powerful song emphasizing that the Khaadim stands out and tall in striving in the way of Allah and that the Khaddim is devoid of any social vices.

The special Guest of Honour also took the stage to address the audience and drew the attention of the Khaddim that, the Khuddam uniform must be worn with pride and that every Khuddam must desist from finding excuses for not wearing the Khuddam uniform for Jama’at functions. He said he has had several encounters where the Khuddam uniform has given him privileges and so every Khaadim present must be motivated and encouraged intrinsically to wear the Khuddam uniform with pride.

Fraternal messages were given by representatives of the two biggest political parties (NDC and NPP). They emphasized the need to have a peaceful upcoming general election and a peaceful nation in general. They together echoed the fact that no country can develop amidst chaos, civil unrest and a deplorable state hence, the need for the need for the youth to be agents of peace.

Certificates were presented to winners of the various competitions held for both Atfal and Khuddam, the best Zonal Amla Member and the best Office also received certificates.

A trophy was presented to Edukrom Atfal for winning the Atfal football competition and Cape Coast Amla for also winning the Khuddam football competition

The Best Player, who also emerged as the Best Goalkeeper of the football competition was also presented with a certificate.

Cape Coast Qaid took the opportunity to sell pure organic and natural honey that was proudly on exhibition which the Qaid Illaqa (Central West Region) and our invited guests showed great interest to buy in large quantities but unfortunately was only our first harvest. We can only hope and pray as well as work hard to harvest more INSHA ALLAH!!!

The Chair gave his closing remarks and a closing prayer was said by Maulvi Abdul Hameed Sawiri to bring the Ijtema’a to a successful closure at around 4pm ALHADULILLAH.

Story by Mr Abubakar Osman, Nazim Isha'at, Cape Coast Zone

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