The Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya, Ghana in the Ekumfi Zone have held their 2nd Annual Zonal Ijtema’a in Ekumfi Otuam on June 3, 2024. The event brought together over 200 attendees and several dignitaries for an inspiring event urging the youth to prioritize Islamic education, maintain peace and avoid political manipulation for a peaceful society and election 2024.

The event featured key speakers including Maulvi Hafiz Mohammed Arkoh, the Ekumfi Zonal Missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, Ghana who emphasized the importance of Islamic knowledge. He quoted the Hadith, “Seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim man and woman,” underscoring how religious education equips individuals to lead prayers and boosts confidence in the faith. Maulvi Arkoh praised Master Abid Muhammad Adam, from Essarkyir Circuit for his flawless recitation of Al-Qaseeda and encouraged the Khuddam and Atfal to prioritize learning the Yassarnal Qur’an and Holy Qur’an.

The Zonal Qaid, Mr. Abubakar Arthur expressed gratitude to all participants especially the Zonal Missionary, Maulvi Hafiz Mohammed Arkoh, Zonal President, Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Quantson, Former Naib Sadr, Southern Sector, Mr. Musah Kofi Amissah, Regional Qaid, Honourable Jamil Rahman Nyame and his entourage, Abdul Shakoor Abakah, Muhtamim Umumi, Circuit Missionaries and Presidents, Nazimeen and Circuit Qaideen. He, however lamented the failure of the Khuddam and Atfal to seek Islamic knowledge, calling it a significant concern to him. Quoting the hadith, he urged all participants to seek Islamic knowledge.

In his keynote address, Mr. Musah Kofi Amissah, the Former Naib Sadr, Southern Sector of the Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya, Ghana advised the youths to control their passions and emotions to foster a peaceful society. He stressed the importance of both Khuddam and Atfal behaviour and responsibility in maintaining peace, urging them to adhere to the teachings of the Promised Messiah (AS) and to promote fairness, justice and sympathy. “Exercise patience and forbearance and do not attack anyone unjustly,” he reiterated.

Honourable Jamil Rahman Nyame, the Central-West Regional Qaid, cautioned the Khuddam against being misled by political parties into causing disturbances before, during and after the upcoming 2024 general elections. He emphasized the necessity of peace and urged members to reject any attempts to use them for violent purposes. “I plead with you not to allow any political party to hide behind you to cause disruptions,” he stated.

The rally themed, “Creating a Peaceful Society; the Role of the Youth,” served as a platform to encourage Ahmadiyya Youths to balance Islamic and Secular education while maintaining peace and order in the communities. The speeches emphasized the significance of knowledge, self-control and active participation in fostering a harmonious society.

Notwithstanding the names above-mentioned, other dignitaries were, Ebusuapanyin Ibrahim Okai Bekoe, Former Circuit President – Otuam, Mr. Zakariyya Acquandoh, Otuam Local Imam II, Mu’allim Nuruddin Bin Yakubu Buabeng, Otuam Circuit Missionary, Mu’allim Mohammed Adam, Essarkyir/Ekrawfo Circuits Missionary, Mu’allim Abdul Razak Seedorf Appiah, Immuna Circuit Missionary, Mu’allim Abdul Razak Gaba, Ekotsi Circuit Missionary, Mr. Issah Afful Eshun, Essarkyir Circuit President, Malik Kofi Acquah, Abdul Hameed Essuman, Arafat Ameen, Malik Essel, Ekrawfo Jama’at President and others.

Story by: Yusuf Ibrahim Dadzie, Mu’tamad, Ekumfi Zone.

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