On the 16th of March, 2024, Kasoa South Khuddam joined the Nyanyano Jama’at in offering their Magrib, Isha, and Taraweeh salat. This is the first of visitations as part of an initiative taken by the Kasoa South Khuddam to visit the various Jama’ats in the Kasoa South Circuit. The Aamila took this initiative to reenergize its Khuddam in the participation of the activities of the Circuit as well as the Zone.

A total number of 26 Khuddam took part in this visit where they broke their fast with the Nyanyano Jama’at. Magrib salat was then offered followed by Qur’an Studies. They then said Isha and Taraweeh Salat.

A small talk was given by the Circuit Qaid in the person of Ahmed Buabeng who stated the purpose of the visit and encouraged the Nyanyano Jama’at especially the Khuddam to take part in Jama’at activities and strengthen their faith.

Some items were donated including the Yassarnal Qur’an, a carton of milk and sugar.

In the end, Allah Almighty was beseeched to help bring these visitations to a success and to bless all those who took part in it. Amen

Story by: Nurudeen Dumba, Nazim Mal, Kaosa Zone