On Sunday, 31st March, 2024, the dedicated members of the Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Asokore Circuit in Sekyere East Zone enthusiastically embarked on a clean-up exercise at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mosque, located at the Asokore 'A' Mosque after Fajr prayer

The primary objective of this endeavor was to ensure that the grass around the mosque is in good shape to make the mosque clean.

The event witnessed the active participation of 14 Khuddam who fervently engaged in the task at hand.

Guided by the principle of Waqar-e-Amal, which upholds the dignity of labor, these devoted individuals selflessly offered their services for the betterment of the community. This philosophy instills a profound sense of responsibility and selflessness, fostering a spirit of service to both humanity and the wider community.

Among the esteemed members who wholeheartedly participated in this noble initiative was Mr. Abubakar Adomako (Zonal Qaid), Muslim Saeed Suleiman (Circuit Missionary) and Mr Baidoo A. Shakur (Circuit Qaid).

Story written by Baidoo A. Shakur

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