Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Koforidua Zone held its first-ever zonal Ijtema (Rally) on June 21 and 22, 2024, at the Koforidua Central Mosque. The event, themed "Living by the Conditions of Bai'at: A Call to Exemplary Conduct," gathered young members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community for a weekend of spiritual, academic, and athletic activities.

The rally began on Friday, June 21, with the arrival of participants, followed by the Jumu'ah prayers at the Koforidua Central Mosque. The atmosphere was filled with excitement as the attendees made their way to the Police Regional Training School soccer park, where a soccer tournament had been organized. Various circuits under the Koforidua zone competed in spirited matches, showcasing teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship.

As evening approached, participants returned to the mosque for the Maghrib and Isha prayers. Following the prayers, the focus shifted to intellectual and spiritual activities. An academic competition was held, featuring contests such as extempore speech, Quran recitation, Al Qaseeda, Quran memorization, general quiz and message delivery. These events highlighted the participants' knowledge, eloquence, and devotion.

The climax of the Ijtema took place on Saturday, June 22, with the final sitting graced by distinguished guests. Chairman Naib Sadr Administration MKA-GH Ing. Ibrahim Arko provided valuable insights into leadership and administrative excellence. The keynote address was delivered by the Koforidua Zonal President Abdul Noor Wahab, who emphasized the importance of living by the conditions of Bai'at and called on the young members to exemplify their faith in all aspects of life.

President Abdul Noor Wahab highlighted the necessity of exemplary conduct, quoting, "Verily, those who swear allegiance to thee indeed swear allegiance to Allah. The hand of Allah is over their hands. So, whoever breaks his oath, breaks it to his own loss; and whoever fulfils the covenant that he has made with Allah, He will surely give him a great reward" (48:11).

During the opening of the rally, Zonal Qaid Alpha Nii Dodu expressed his sincere gratitude to the zonal President and the National Aamila for honouring his invitation and also welcomed attendees with an address that underscored the profound purpose of life as ordained by God Almighty: "The true purpose of man's life is the worship of God, his understanding, and complete devotion to Him. As mentioned in the Holy Quran, 'And I have not created the jinn and the men but that they may worship Me' (51:57)." His words resonated deeply with the audience, setting the tone for a weekend dedicated to spiritual growth and communal unity.

Other notable attendees included Mr Mustapha Kofi Amissah, Mr Muhammed Adusei, Mr Sadick Boadu Koomson Serving as Naib Muhtamim Ta'lim, Maulvi Hafiz Aayatur-Rahman Abdullah Serving as the Koforidua Zonal Missionary, Mr Hamza Obeng, Muallim Ibrahim Inkum Serving as Koforidua Circuit Missionary, Ibrahim Osei Asiedu former Qaid, and Mr. Harun Atta Ansong Hussain serving as Eastern Regional Qaid. Each guest shared their perspectives, offering guidance and inspiration to the young khuddam.

The two-day rally successfully blended physical activity, intellectual competition, and spiritual growth, reinforcing the theme of exemplary conduct. As the Ijtema concluded, participants left with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to living by the conditions of Bai'at, ready to serve as role models in their communities.

Story by: Saddique Moro

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