On the dawn of Saturday, July 13th, 2024, as part of this enlightening excursion, AMSAG-UCC paid a visit to the prestige MTA Studios, popularly known as the Wahab Adam Studios. This visit formed a great highlight of the program as it would expose us to how the media wing of the Jama'at operates in airing the message of Ahmadiyyat.

After a stirring morning at the National Headquarters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, Ghana, and a stimulating visit to the Kwame Nkrumah Museum, we found ourselves at the MTA Studios at about 5 PM. The studio staff welcomed us warmly and were ready to take us around in an extended tour and expose us to their many works. The National Coordinator, Maulvi Hafiz Ismaeel Adusei, was not available, but Maulvi Faraz Yaseen Rabbani kindly guided us through the studios.

Maulvi Faraz Yaseen Rabbani introduced MTA International, its history, and its mission, stating that the television channel was of immense importance in broadcasting Islam Ahmadiyyat to the world. He explained how the studio is a source of production that prepares programs for religious discourses, education, and current news updates, all channelled towards dissemination for a better understanding of the faith.

We started our tour from the production rooms, where the ideation of different programs with their scripts and plans first takes place. Maulvi Rabbani gave us quite a lengthy description of how much effort is needed for the content to be created by the values and teachings of Ahmadiyyat. He further emphasized that the productions should never compromise on quality to ensure the message can be presented with much effectiveness and professionalism.

We then proceeded to the recording studios, where live and pre-recorded programs were produced. Maulvi Rabbani gave a technical explanation in detail about the aspects associated with recording, whereby high-quality output concerning audio and video can be obtained through advanced equipment usage. We had the privilege to witness firsthand a recording session in progress, which was really an exciting view. The professionalism of the staff and their commitment to duty were quite visible as they put efforts together to bring out the contents with precision and clarity.

Other delights of the visit included the editing suites where raw footage is honed into the finished product which audiences in all four corners of the globe will view and appreciate. Maulvi Rabbani explained to us the post-production role to enhance the visual and auditory appeal of the programs. He further added the use of creativity and innovation to make it both entertaining and enlightening.

Later on, we had an interactive session with Maulvi Rabbani regarding the daily routine of the staff at the studio and the various challenges posed. He shared how imperative their services are in spreading the real essence of Islam and curbing misconceptions among people about faith. He further spoke on the importance of youth in the field of media and how we may be able to apply ourselves in the future towards the work of the Jama'at.

We availed ourselves of the question-and-answer session to inquire about the impacts of MTA programs on viewers, and how the studio estimates its success. Maulvi Rabbani spoke about heartwarming stories where people changed upon watching MTA's broadcasts. He emphasized how important viewer feedback was and how this feedback enabled the studio to constantly work towards adjusting its programs to suit the needs of its audience.

The visit to the MTA Studios was an enlightening one, wherein our appreciation of the media wing of the Jama'at was manifold. We left with an appreciation of hard work and dedication in creating high-value content which educates, inspires, and unites Ahmadi Muslims around the world.

This trip also re-emphasized the role of media in spreading the message of Ahmadiyyat and how essential it is to our global community. We were encouraged to stay attuned to the programming of MTA and to ponder how, as students, we might come to support and contribute to this essential undertaking.

Overall, the visit to MTA Studios was a highlight of our week-long celebration, where we were inspired and motivated on ways through which we can further our involvement with Jama'at through the media and communications channel.

Story by: Salim Ahmad Boateng, AMMSAG President

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