A Jama’at

We are known for world peace,

The eyes of the world can see,

From mountains high to forests deep,

From deserts vast to oceans that sweep,

Uniting mankind with a single plea:

“Love for All, Hatred for None,” eternally. We face persecution, yet remain strong,

Intoxicated by the love of the Prophet so long,

With teachings of the Holy Qur’an in our hearts,

We are chastised, imprisoned, and torn apart,

But our only response, with voices clear,

“Naraa Takbir, Allahu Akbar,” we declare.

We climb the mountains, reaching the sky,

Receiving sunlight and honey from on high,

O ye who have closed your eyes,

And sealed your hearts in dark disguise,

How can you bear the birds that sing,

The dazzling signs they always bring.

Under the umbrella of love, we sing,

A song that turns fear into peaceful spring,

This is Ahmadiyya, born from the veil,

Afflictions of afflicters are doomed to fail,

For salvation Ahmad was sent,

To guide us all, with hearts content. His ray beamed bright, like the sun at dawn,

An ocean of wisdom, in nature drawn,

Engaging in the remembrance of Allah,

Courage was granted to face any saga.

Throughout the ages, he plowed the field,

With skill and grace, his truth revealed,

Pages filled with wisdom, mile by mile,

From the voice of heaven, spreading far,

People came, with hearts so pure,

Loyal to Allah, seeking more. Through icy winds, the Prophet’s peace did extend,

They became stars, in the night they blend,

A soothing voice was heard from afar,

Reviving the dead, to fly as stars. Touching the eyes of Allah, he did,

Bringing disasters upon those who hid,

Why then do you not see His hands?

Hands that connect, across the lands,

Cleansing hearts and souls so high,

Like a bird soaring in the sky. Let us never despise this salvation,

(Amen) we whisper in our contemplation. This is our Jama’at, this is Ahmadiyya,

In the realm of peace, we stand as one,

A Jama’at united, beneath the golden sun.

Our hearts beat with love, our souls take flight,

With “Love for All, Hatred for None” as our guiding light.

Through mountains high and forests deep,

We strive to unite, our spirits keep.

Deserts wide and oceans blue,

Our message echoes tried and true.

Persecution may come, but we won’t bend,

Our faith in the Prophet will never end.

As it began with prophethood, so it shall end,

Facing challenges with courage bold,

And respond with “Takbir,” our faith untold.

Like birds that soar on wings so wide,

We’ll rise above with Khilafat as our guide,

With every breath, we’ll call His name,

And walk the path that’s wild and untamed.

Through trials and tribulations, our strength will grow,

In the power of prayer, and the bonds we sow.

We’ll stand together, hand in hand,

A united front, in every land.

This is Ahmadiyya, our light shines bright,

A beacon of hope in the darkest night.

We’ll hold on to faith through every test,

Emerging victorious, with love as our crest.

With hearts full of hope, and spirits aglow,

We’ll light the way for all to know,

The truth of our message, shining as the sun,

Guiding humanity to a brighter dawn.

This is Ahmadiyya.

By Faiz Nimo Darko, Ekumfi Zone, Essarkyir circuit

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