Very often we hear some Muslims say, Ramadan is over, we are going back to our “normal lives”. That is one of the most heartbreaking and unfortunate statements to say the least to have come from a Muslim. Because it is directly antagonistic to the philosophy behind the essence of Ramadan. It’s more or less like saying, let us remove the clean garments we are wearing now, and go and pick the dirty and torn ones we have removed.
Are we tired of the life of virtues and really happy to go back to our “normal life” of vices? I should think so because our celebrations on Eid-ul-Fitr speak volumes to that effect. Debauchery and unnecessary forms of excitement (jams, clubbing, street carnivals, utmost disregard to the prescriptions of chastity etc). Our celebrations are like, “aahh, 30 days of suffering, at long last the battle has ended, we are now done so let’s enjoy”.
Ramadan is supposed to be a refiner of our virtues, a 30-day training experience of virtues we must carry out for the rest of our lives. On social media, there were so many interesting, innovative, exciting and blessed “challenges/invitations/friendly competitions” during the month of Ramadan. However, the real challenge lies in making these virtues and noble practices a habit as expected of us. Are we going to read the Quran often as we did during Ramadan? Are we going to be regular and punctual in our five daily prayers? What about our tahajud? And our Friday Jummah prayers? Are we going to give sadaqah often? Are we always going to be humble, tolerant and peaceful in all our dealings? Are we going to fully exhibit all the tenets of Islam like we did in Ramadan? Indeed, that is the real challenge.
Being a good Muslim is not only for Ramadan, being a good Muslim is a complete way of life which transcends beyond Ramadan. Let not our virtues during the month of Ramadan be a nine-day wonder, that will only be a mockery of our own selves. Allah have mercy on us all, and make us a model for the righteous; Amen!!!
By Ahmed Jawaad Hammond  

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