Mr. Musah Kofi Amissah, the Former Naib Sadr, Southern Sector of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, Ghana, has advised the Khuddam in the Ekumfi Zone to keep their passions and emotions under check. His advice came during the 2nd Annual Zonal Ijtema’a of the Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, held in Ekumfi Otuam.

Speaking on the theme, “Creating a Peaceful Society; the Role of the Youth,” Mr. Amissah underscored the importance of youth behaviour and responsibility in fostering a peaceful society. He urged the Khuddam to cherish, promote and maintain peace in all their endeavours. “We should be guided by Huqooq-ul Allah and Huqooq-ul Ibaad so that we can incur Allah’s mercies and blessings,” he emphasized.

Highlighting the need for fairness and justice, Mr. Amissah referenced the Promised Messiah’s (as) teachings, “I see that there are many who have no sympathy for their brothers. If a brother is starving, the others pay no attention and are not prepared to look after him. If he is facing some difficulties, they do not spend part of their money on him.” He reminded the attendees that, this admonition is obligatory for every member of the Promised Messiah’s (AS) Jama’at. He urged them to “walk the law with a pious heart, pure nature and pure motives.”

In his keynote address, Mr. Amissah encouraged Khuddam to cultivate habits of pardon and forgiveness. “Exercise patience and forbearance and do not attack anymore unjustly. Keep your passions and emotions under check,” he reiterated.

He further advised the Khuddam to speak gently and conduct themselves well during debates or religious discussions. “If one displays ignorance, bid Salam, farewell and leave such gathering,” he added.

Concluding his address, Mr. Musah Kofi Amissah called on the Khuddam to live by the tenets of Islam, reminding them that, Islam stands for Peace and that the motto of Islam Ahmadiyyat is “Love for All, Hatred for None.”

Story by:
Yusuf Ibrahim Dadzie,
Mu’tamad, Ekumfi Zone.

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