On the 11th of April, 2024, The Majlis Khuddam of Upper West region was tasked to provide security during Eid-ul-Fitr prayer in the region. With this huge responsibility placed on the Khudam, a planned was devised to appoint a few members to provide special security for the Regional Missionary and President, and other dignitaries of the Jamat in the region.

The Eid-ul-Fitr prayer was observed on the T.I Ahmadiyya Junior High School premises. Security was provided before and throughout the Eid prayer for all members present at the Eid grounds.

Members from both Wa East and Wa West were present for the Eid prayer, and the Khuddam lived up to expectations by carrying out their work diligently and with the fear of Allah.

It is our prayer that Allah grant us the ability to serve even better in the future.


Story by; Aziz Amjed, Wa East Zonal Qaid

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