On Monday, the 1st of January, 2024 which marked the beginning of the new year, the Atfal (which is made up of children who are fifteen years and below) left the comfort of their homes to attain Allah's blessings and pleasure through offering of the supplicatory prayer known as tahajjud salat. 

After this, they embarked on waqar-e-Amal, a communal labour activity organized by the zone at the Anwiam hospital, and were instrumental in tidying up the hospital. They also made a mark by sharing leaflets of the jamaat to sensitize members of the public about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

As part of Atfal’s humanitarian commitment, the children considered the poor and the needy of society by donating items to the children's home in Kumasi (8 packs of bottled water, toiletry, and many more).

As part of the programme, they had breakfast to ease stress. The Atfal’s programme was hugely supported by the zonal Qaid Mr Toffic Mohammed Oduro and the zonal Amila.

A total of 21 members participated in the program to make it a success. Alhamdulilah!

Story by: Bilal Adomako Appiah, Nazim Isha'at, Oforikrom Zone