Indeed, celebrations for the week included participating in the popular radio show "Faith Matters" held on Cape 93.3 FM. The show had one of the finest and accomplished hosts, Mr. Abdul Hameed Mohammed Essuman, assisted by distinguished guests in the persons of Maulvi Abdulhameed Sawiri and Muallim Ahmad Boaheng. The topic of discussion was "Hijrah: Safe Arrival at Madina."

The radio show provided an enlightening religious discussion on the history and spiritual lessons of Hijrah. Maulvi Abdulhameed Sawiri and Muallim Ahmad Boaheng shared deep insight into the trials and triumphs faced by the early Muslim community's migration to Madina, emphasizing their faith, perseverance, and divine guidance.

After that very interesting dialogue on Hijrah, AMSAG-UCC was allowed to be interviewed about the association. Accordingly, the association representatives spoke eloquently about the mission and vision of AMSAG-UCC in instilling Islamic values, academic excellence, and community service into its members. They elaborated on activities organized by the association, including educational seminars, community outreach programs, and social events for building a well-knit and supportive community.

It also expanded the scope of interviewing on the purpose of the week celebrations underlining the theme: "Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders: Shaping the Future of Ahmadiyya." They said that the week was meant to be a source of inspiration and imparting skills and knowledge to the youth for effective leadership within their communities. There were lots of activities planned within the week: academic competitions, leadership workshops, and literary exhibitions that gave them deep experiences in personal and spiritual enhancement.

The participation in "Faith Matters" not only gave a wider audience a view into the meaning of Hijrah but also put real life into AMSAG-UCC. It proved a very good opportunity to present the objectives and achievements of the association to the larger community for better awareness and involvement.

Added to this novelty in the celebration of the week, in general, was a statement to the commitment of the association to Islamic knowledge and communal development. It brings to the fore, through its collaborative spirit, one of the strong bonds of AMSAG-UCC, and cemented the importance of such a journey of faith through continuous learning and dialogue.

Story by: Salim Ahmad Boateng, AMMSAG President

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