Story by Ishaque Yusuf

In preparation for the Ahmadiyya Centenary Celebration of Ghana, the Office of Waqar-e-Amal, Ghana toured the Bagh-e-Ahmad Conference grounds to inspect the latest developments on the grounds.

On Thursday, 7th December, 2023, National Waqar-e-Amal Officers in the persons of Ishaque Yusuf and Ibrahim Quansah met the Afsar Jalsa, Mr. Yusif Abu Ubey, and some NJPC (National Jalsa Planning Committee) executives to discuss the ways the Majlis can assist in bringing the grounds to a shape that is fit for the Conference.

There are new constructions underway which would need the assistance of Jamaat members.

The National Waqar-e-Amal Officers also applauded the workers for the diligence of their work on the Jalsa grounds.

The tedious aspect of the work is taken care of by Machines donated by some members of the Jamaat. What will be required mostly from the Khuddam on the site are removing stumps, digging holes, weeding, and moping.  

The work on Bagh-e-Ahmad is provisionally scheduled to start on the third week of December 2023.

Some pictures of the current state of the conference grounds have been taken to give our readers a fair idea of the state of the place now.

Given this, about 150 Khuddam would be needed to work effectively during and after the Conference.

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