The morning sun on 19th May, 2024 lighted up the College of Science FF1 room for an anticipated General Meeting for the second semester. The meeting attracted a total number of 28 members. Members arrived on time to receive the guests for this special occasion.

Maulvi Hafiz Naseem Ahmed Nyame, Kumasi North Zonal Missionary was the guest speaker, Mr. Alhassan Ofori, Qaid Ilaqa, MKA Ashanti was the guest of honor and other guests included Mr. Abdul-Wahab Ibrahim, Muhtamim Khidmat-e-Khalq, MKAGH and Mr. Ishmael Ntiamoah, Mu’tamad, MKA Ashanti Region.

Hamza Saeed, as the M.C. enthusiastically served his duty in a way that raised the interest of members to give a keen concentration to the proceedings of the meeting. Following the program outline, Hafiz Hamd Yelewie (Imam) recited a portion of the Holy Quran, opening up a connection with Allah, which was beautifully reinforced by a poem in praise of the Holy Prophet Muhammad [saw] by Abdul-Mannan Osie Mensah (Naib Imam), leaving members in a state of deep reflection and contemplation.

It was then followed with an opening prayer by Maulvi Hafiz Naseem Ahmed Nyame, filling the room with divine grace and championing a promising future. Following this, Usman Khalid Sekyi (Isha’at) adeptly presented the Chairman for the occasion in the person of Master Abdul-Malik Yakubu Bosomtwe, AMMSAG President KNUST.

To uphold the duty of being a Khadim, it always raises the concern to reaffirm our faith through the Khuddam Pledge for all occasions for which this one was not exemption, led by Mr. Alhassan Ofori this task was sincerely fulfilled.

The chairman delivered an opening address to commemorate the official opening of the program. To house all members in the heart of AMMSAG, transparency needs to be set forth for all, this was complied with by giving the state of AMMSAG and its financial state, which was respectively delivered by Master Lamin Luqman, Mu’tamad and Master Abdu-Rahman Ofori, Mal. Before reading the financial state of AMMSAG, the strict atmosphere was eased with a song of praise from the level 100s.

The so-called civilization of the world today is constantly developing with a system where immoralities are spreading its darkness over morality. The youths are hugely affected by this, leading to countless catastrophic events like suicides. With this awareness, ‘Noble Example of the Holy Prophet Muhammad [saw]’ was selected as the main topic for the meeting, to steer against the evil system of the world. Maulvi Hafiz Naseem Ahmed Nyame elegantly digested the topic, leaving an end product of spiritual perspective to aid in sailing members through the evil vagaries of the world.

Having listened to the faith-inspiring speech, members were moved by the words of the speaker and therefore had to make some reflections, it was at this juncture that members sang a song of praise led by the continuing students.

Brief remarks from the guests of honor were given to commemorate the main topic, detailing it with real-life examples to increase the understanding and its application in life. The special guest tacitly addressed the congregation by calling out each member to express his take on the various speeches delivered, and what they have intended to change in their lives. With this tactic, he fished the common problems among the members and addressed them accordingly.

Questions and answers section was opened up for members to contribute related and unrelated problems peculiar to them, given the opportunity to fetch from the pool of spiritual and circular knowledge from the guests. With the closing remarks from the chairman, a well sequential vote of thanks was delivered by Master Umair Ahmed which was them followed by a closing prayer, thus officially ending the program.

Story by: Usman Khalid Sekyi, AMMSAG Isha’at.

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