P. O. Box 2327, Osu – Accra, Ghana
Consolidated Programme of Activities
November - January February - April May - July August - October
Collect data on keep fit clubs Update data on keep fit clubs Update data on keep fit clubs Update data on keep fit clubs
Organize seminar on a health topic in all circuits Organize inter-muqam/dil’a friendly games A friendly football match with youth organizations Introduce Special Sporting Activity
Organize one health walk in all circuits/Jama'ats Organize lecture on one health topic Preparation toward National Rally Ensure indoor games are played
Organize inter-muqam/dil’a friendly games Ensure indoor games are played Ensure indoor games are played Organize Health Screening Exercise
Organize Health Screening Exercise Organize Health Screening Exercise Organize Health Screening Exercise Organize friendly games between Circuits & other organizations
Introduce New Sports Sporting Activity Introduce New Sports Sporting Activity

Targets for 2023/2024 Majlis Year

Key Resources

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Muhtamim Sihat-e-Jismani

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