The Central West Region, formerly part of the Central Region, became a separate region in 2015 under Mr. Abdul Noor Wahab's term as Sadr MKA. It is one of the 11 administrative regions (Ilaqa) within the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat system in Ghana. The programme of activities drawn for the year by the National Aamila (Executive) is implemented at the regional level. The MKA is headed at the regional level by the Qaid Ilaqa (Regional President) who together with his Regional Aamila execute the planned programme of activities within the Zones (Dil’a) in the region. The Central West Region has 7 Zones and each is headed by a Zonal Qaid who supervises the Khuddam with his Aamila. The Regional Headquarters is at Mankessim.
Rahman Arthur-Quarm was appointed as the first Zonal Qaid. With four circuits under it, namely, Abura, Cape Coast, Twifo Praso and Edukrom, the Zone hosted the last Central West Regional rally. The Atfal were crowned the Best in academics and the Overall Best Zone in the Atfal Sector Rally held at Bustan-e-Ahmed, Accra. Now it has 2 circuits, Abrafo / Atobease, and Abura. The Majlis donated items to the Cape Coast School for the Deaf and Blind and the Padre Pio Rehabilitation Centre. It organized two Tabligh seminars at Moree and UCC where four conver ts joined the Jama'at. Also, in collaboration with AMSAG UCC, over 100 flyers were distributed during the Students' Week celebration.
Brief History:
The Assin Zone was carved out of the former Central-West Zone which also came out of the Central Region and has two circuits which are Assin South and Assin North.
Mr. Ibrahim Kofi Harrison was appointed the first Zonal Qaid. His achievements include the org anization of waqar-e-amal for the construction of new Zonal Mission House at Assin Breku and blood donation at St. Francis X'avier Hospital in 2018. Now it has 2 Circuits, Assin North , and Assin South.
A three day tabligh programme was held at Assin Nyankomasi and org anized a training programme for Khuddam on installation of biogas set during the tenure of Mr. Harrison.
The Mankessim (Ilaqa) is one of the 7 administrative Zones (Ilaqa) under Central West. The programme of activities drawn for the year by the National Aamila (Executive) is implemented at the regional level. The MKA is headed at the regional level by the Qaid Ilaqa (Regional President) who together with his Regional Aamila execute the planned programme of activities within the Circuits (Di’la) in the region. The Central Region has 3 Circuits, Mankessim, Baifikrom, and Kyeakor and each is headed by a Circuit Qaid who supervises the Khuddam with his Aamila. The Regional Headquarters is at Mankessim.
The Cape Coast Zone (Ilaqa) is one of the 7 administrative Zones (Ilaqa) under Central West. The programme of activities drawn for the year by the National Aamila (Executive) is implemented at the regional level. The MKA is headed at the regional level by the Qaid Ilaqa (Regional President) who together with his Regional Aamila execute the planned programme of activities within the Circuits (Di’la) in the region. The Central Region has 3 Circuits, Cape Coast Central, Edukrom, and Nyamedom and each is headed by a Circuit Qaid who supervises the Khuddam with his Aamila. The Regional Headquarters is at Mankessim.
The Ekumfi Zone (Ilaqa) is one of the 7 administrative Zones (Ilaqa) under the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat system in Ghana. The programme of activities drawn for the year by the National Aamila (Executive) is implemented at the regional level. The MKA is headed at the regional level by the Qaid Ilaqa (Regional President) who together with his Regional Aamila execute the planned programme of activities within the Circuits, Ekroful, Otuam, Essarkyir, Ekotsi, and Immuna. The Central Region has 5 Circuits and each is headed by a Circuit Qaid who supervises the Khuddam with his Aamila. The Regional Headquarters is at Mankessim.
The Saltpond Zone (Ilaqa) is one of the 7 administrative Zones (Ilaqa) under Central West. The programme of activities drawn for the year by the National Aamila (Executive) is implemented at the regional level. The MKA is headed at the regional level by the Qaid Ilaqa (Regional President) who together with his Regional Aamila execute the planned programme of activities within the Circuits (Di’la) in the region. The Central Region has 2 Circuits, Saltpond, and Nsanful and each is headed by a Circuit Qaid who supervises the Khuddam with his Aamila. The Regional Headquarters is at Mankessim.
The Twifo Praso Zone (Ilaqa) is one of the 7 administrative Zones (Ilaqa) under Central West The programme of activities drawn for the year by the National Aamila (Executive) is implemented at the regional level. The MKA is headed at the regional level by the Qaid Ilaqa (Regional President) who together with his Regional Aamila execute the planned programme of activities within the Circuits (Di’la) in the region. The Central Region has 2 Circuits, Twifo, and Morkwa and each is headed by a Circuit Qaid who supervises the Khuddam with his Aamila. The Regional Headquarters is at Mankessim.