On Saturday, January 25, 2025, AMMSAG KNUST successfully hosted its inaugural program for the majlis year, The General Meeting. The meeting drew 30 Khuddam members and was honored by the presence of three distinguished guests: Mr. Abdul-Wahab Adusei, Naib Sadr Middle sector, MKA Ghana, the guest speaker; Mr. Naeem-Rahman Dzakatoh, Naib Umur-Talaba, MKA Ghana, the guest of honor, and Mr. Tofiq, Qaid Dil’a, Oforikrom Zone.
Following the program outline, Master Ibrahim Suburu recited the Holy Quran, opening up a connection with Allah, which was beautifully reinforced by a poem in praise of the Holy Prophet Muhammad saw by Master Sajid Junuo (Imam), leaving members in a state of deep reflection and contemplation.
The chairman, Hafiz Hamd Yelewie (President) delivered the opening address to commemorate the official opening of the program. To house all members in the heart of AMMSAG, transparency needs to be set forth for all, this was complied with by giving the state of AMMSAG and financial state, which was respectively delivered by Master Imdaad-ul Rahman (Mu’tamad) and Master Abdu-Rahman Ofori (Mal), followed by a song of praise from the AMMSAG executive.
To expose the freshers to the reality on the grounds, Master Khalid Usman Sekyi presented to members “Issues affecting AMMSAG”. Where he made it clear that AMMSAG has been established to mobilize Ahmadi students so that we don’t drive away from our teachings, and so failing in this context becomes an issue for AMMSAG. To alleviate this, members are expected to participate in all programs and gatherings especially the Maghrib and Isha congregational prayers.
This was preceded by a talk on Wing Segregation by Mr. Naeem-Rahman Dzakatoh, pointing out the importance and need for it in our association, with a song of praise from the first years ending this session.
A thought-provoking lecture by Mr. Abdul-Wahab Adusei, who eloquently expounded on the topic "Inculcating the Habit of Salat" using verses 1-10 of Surah Al-Mu'minun (Chapter 23) of the Holy Quran. His insightful presentation resonated deeply with members, emphasizing the crucial role of Salat in achieving success. A song of praise led by the continuing students was delivered in its rightful proportions to commemorate the speech.
The questions and answers section was opened up for members to contribute related and unrelated problems peculiar to them, given the opportunity to fetch from the pool of spiritual and circular knowledge from the guests. With some words of encouragement from Mr. Tofiq on the avoidance of betting and fornication, he called the conscience of members on the fact that despite its normality in the system it has no place in human civilization to be called a right thing. After this inspiring awareness, a closing prayer from Mr. Tofiq officially ended the program.
Story by:;Usman Khalid Sekyi, AMMSAG KNUST Isha’at.
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