On December 25, 2024, the Sekyere East Zone of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Ghana actively took part in the Nationwide Health Walk, a significant event aimed at fostering physical fitness, unity, and spiritual well-being among its members. The walk was led by the Zonal Missionary, Maulvi Mohammed Quaye, alongside the Zonal Qaid, Mr. Abubakar Adomako. The event drew enthusiastic participation from Khuddam and Atfal across various circuits, all marching together with a shared spirit of brotherhood and devotion.
In addition to the health walk, members of the Asokore Circuit had the unique opportunity to engage in an educational excursion, where they visited a location dedicated to the care and study of peacocks. This excursion provided an enriching experience, allowing participants to witness the beauty and grace of these magnificent birds up close. Learning about the habits, behaviours, and significance of peacocks deepened their appreciation for nature and Allah’s marvellous creation. It was a moment of reflection on how every creation of Allah serves a purpose and showcases His boundless wisdom.
Meanwhile, members of the Baworo Circuit began their day with a spiritually uplifting Tahajjud prayer, seeking Allah’s blessings and guidance. This was followed by an interactive question-and-answer session, where members had the opportunity to discuss key aspects of their faith, clarify doubts, and gain deeper insights into Islamic teachings. The session was filled with engaging discussions, fostering a stronger connection with faith and knowledge.
Following the health walk, the Atfal were treated to an exciting array of sporting activities designed to promote teamwork, physical fitness, and friendly competition. Games such as Tag of Peace and Arm Wrestling were among the highlights of the day. To make the events even more thrilling, the competitions were held between Team Waqf-e-Nau and Team Atfal. The spirited nature of the contests not only brought joy and excitement but also strengthened bonds among the younger members.
One of the most meaningful activities of the day was the opportunity for members to write letters to our beloved Khalifa, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba). This act of love and devotion allowed Khuddam and Atfal to express their thoughts, share their experiences, and seek prayers from Huzoor (aba). Writing these letters served as a reminder of the strong spiritual connection that Ahmadi Muslims share with their beloved Khalifa, reinforcing their faith and commitment to the Jama’at.
As the day came to an end, members gathered for Waqar-e-Amal—a collective effort to maintain cleanliness and ensure that the environment remained in good condition. This practice, deeply ingrained in the teachings of Islam and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, serves as a reminder of the importance of humility, discipline, and service to humanity.
In total, 35 Khuddam and 43 Atfal actively participated in the program, making it a memorable and spiritually enriching experience for all involved. The event not only promoted health and fitness but also strengthened bonds within the community, deepened faith, and reinforced the importance of service and unity.
May Allah continue to bless the efforts of the Jama’at and enable us to remain steadfast in our commitment to faith, brotherhood, and righteousness. Ameen.
Story by: Abubakar Adomako - Zonal Qaid – Sekyere East
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