Story by Salim Ahmad Boaheng, Nazim Isha’at, AMMSAG-UCC

The University of Cape Coast (UCC) Branch of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Male Students Association of Ghana (AMMSAG) held a program on campus to commemorate ‘Khilafat Day’ on 26th May 2023.

Maulvi Abdul Hameed Sawiri, the Zonal Missionary for Abura Zone and speaker for the event shared an informative presentation on the importance of ‘Khilafat Day’ and the significance behind it.

Maulvi Sawiri urged the students to engage in prayer incessantly regardless of their personal circumstances.

Furthermore, he encouraged the students to write letters to Khalifatul Masih (May Allah be his helper) at least once every month to nurture their relationship with their spiritual leader as well as consolidate the link between the students and the Ahmadiyya community.

Mr. Alhassan Asamani, the Abura Zonal Qaid, thanked the students for participating in such a blessed program.

19 Khuddam from AMMSAG and 17 Lajna Ima’illah members from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women Students Association of Ghana (AMWSAG) participated in the ceremony.

Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya started on 27 May 1908, when Hazrat Hakeem Noorudeen (Allah be pleased with him) was elected as the First Khalifa of the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (peace be upon him). It is commemorated every year on 27th May.